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You've ridden in taxis, but do you know the story behind the name?
You might not need the information, but at 2AM at the christmas party it could be exactly what you think you need.

Portrait of Putin: From impoverished street fighter to Russian autocrat
Vladimir Putin had a secret Soviet Union spying career in his youth. That wish was granted in 1975, but Putin did not rest on his laurels.

Unreal story of the Rockefeller heir vanished in cannibal territory
Michael Rockefeller went missing in Dutch New Guinea (now Indonesia) in 1961. He was the son of a wealthy American family.

Blood eagle - The horrific killing method of enemy vikings
more excruciating than death itself, according to some accounts.

This female ¨Völva¨ inspired fear and awe among the vikings
Aside from the monarch, the völva were the most powerful people in Viking society.

World's oldest ten commandments tablet up for grabs – Worth Millions
A man, unaware of its historical significance, utilized the marble tablet as a doorstop.

The reason why 18th-century sailors were more likely to sink than swim
It is astonishing to discover that the majority of 18th-century seamen were incapable of swimming

The Surprising History of 'God Save the King'
Unity, and resilience of the British people. It is steeped in tradition and national pride.

The call to valhalla: Why vikings died for glory
The frigid winds roared over the rugged cliffs of Norway as Erik stood, sword in hand, gazing into the horizon.

The battle that shaped a nation: The story of Hastings
On the morning of October 14, 1066, a cold and clear dawn illuminated the undulating hills of southern England

The initial taste: The interesting history of alcohol
Millennia ago, beneath the scorching sun of present-day China, an inquisitive hunter-gatherer encountered an unusual, fragrant pool

The most intelligent guy in the history ended up as an poor accountant
James William Sidis was able to speak twenty-five different languages, possessed a superhuman memory

For 17 years a female solider pretended to be a male
As a man of outstanding character, Cornelius Hubsch was revered by his fellow soldiers for his strength. However, in 18th-century Europe,...

Research contradicts: This is how red wine affects blood pressure
Researchers have examined data from over 100,000 people and found a correlation between blood pressure and alcohol consumption. And one...

Study: Your toothbrush is infested with pathogens
Over 600 viruses have been identified by researchers through the examination of the toothbrushes and showerheads of ordinary individuals....

Future medical visit: Intimate inspections using a soft robot finger
A Chinese research team has created a robotic finger that can identify malignancies by taking your pulse using sophisticated sensors. T...

Apple promised improvements in 2020, but nothing has happened
In November 2020, Apple experienced issues with certificate checks for macOS, causing devices to slow down. The company promised several...

How many cups of coffee you should drink daily to reduce heart disease risk
Researchers have shown that coffee drinking can lower the risk of numerous diseases by as much as 48% after analysing data from over...

Study: hot showers can kill sperm cells - But also some good news
Do your partner fancy long showers? it could mean trouble for the ''little ones''. When the testicles are exposed to high temperatures,...

Biologists astonished by unique behavior in jellyfish
A sea creature can share its nervous and digestive systems with another individual. Biologists describe the discovery as "astonishing" -...

Astronomers may soon be able to create eclipses at will
The European Space Agency (ESA) is preparing to study the Sun's outer atmosphere by using two satellites in Earth's orbit to generate an...

New York Introduces rat birth control to tackle infestation
New York City's rat population is booming due to their rapid reproduction rate. To combat this, the New York City Council is set to...

Researchers claim a simple and affordable solution to halt coast crumble
Scientists have reportedly discovered an easy and cost-effective method to protect against soil erosion beneath homes and the destruction...

New study shows how different forms of affection manifest in the brain
A recent study by researchers at Aalto University has taken our understanding of love to new heights by revealing how different types of...
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